Terms & Conditions (Terms) we’ or ‘us’ means Amanda Hall trading as Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions for all our customers

www.amandahallpsychic.com.au 2000 All rights Reserved. All advice, information and Psychic & Astrology Readings/Charts are given to the best of my ability and are for entertainment purposes only. All Users must be 18 years or older.Please take a moment to read these Terms and Conditions and if you do not agree, please do not use this site.
In these Terms and Conditions (Terms), ‘we’ or ‘us’ means Amanda Hall trading as Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions ABN 36 464 768 931, its successors and assignee’s and ‘you’ means the person, organization or entity that purchases products or related services from us site www. amandahllpsychic.com.au). the terms apply to;
- All sales made by us to consumers
- All bookings made with us for a, psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or Astrology course & events. Services offered by Telephone, Skype, email through our website/social media (various forms) – web site amandahallpsychic.com.au
- All reading performed through digital media/skype show on social media
All sales made by us to consumers
All bookings made with us for a, psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or Astrology course & events. Services offered by Telephone, Skype, email through our website/social media (various forms) – web site amandahallpsychic.com.au. All reading performed through digital media/skype show on social media or other digital sources by Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions.
You agree to order products or services from us through the choice of phone order or thought the web site/ various social media site. As mentioned on this site amandahallpsychic.com.au and it is your responsibility to ensure you take the time to complete any order forms with all details requested.
We reserve the right to accept or reject an order if we are unable to confirm (a/)availability (b)confirm cleared full payment for the product selected.
Once your booking by phone/email/web/social media sale is requested and a confirmation booking is sent to you, sms/email the client/customer you have entered into a binding agreement for that service.
Payments, Prices & Fees Charged
You agree to pay the total amount specified on our web site/ social media outlet /by phone/email/sms for the service specified on this site at the time of placing your order, unless otherwise agreed to by us. If the cleared full payment is not received, your booking will not be scheduled and confirmed.
You must pay for the product in full using the payment method available, unless otherwise agreed to by us by return email/sms.
If your payment is unable to be processed successfully and fully cleared funds, or by fraudulently and/or unlawful means; we have the right to cancel your order immediately.
Any payments made by third parties; PayPal/Eftpos/Credit Card or eft shall be in accordance with their Terms and Conditions.
Prices may change without notice. It is recommended that you regularly check our website.
All bookings and or purchases are subject to availability by Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions.
If we need to either cancel or change your appointment time/date. You will receive sms/email/phone call to reschedule your service. We always endeavor to be on time where possible. If there is to be a delay of more than 15 mins we shall contact you by sms. This will be or there is a reasonable delay to deliver your purchase by ‘us’ at amandahallpsychic.com.au we will contact you using the personal information provided at the time of booking to make an alternative arrangement at no extra charge. You will only be charged for the services booked.
It is a requirement that; if ‘you’ have to cancel or change your appointment time for any personal reason; you MUST notify us via the contact details located on our website or by sms at amandahallpsychic.com.au ‘Cancellations / Availability and all reasonable endeavors to accommodate any request for changes to your booking will be made.
Code Of Ethics
1/Confidentiality & Privacy: All psychic/astrology/mediumship readings are private and confidential. Psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events is conducted with your privacy and confidentiality in mind and will not be revealed without your written approval, except in the event of a life-threatening situation. You agree to immediately notify me; Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions of any unauthorised use of your information or any other breach of your privacy.
2/ Interpretation & Suggestions: Psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or Astrology course & events Tarot Reading Astrology/chart reading & the details or information about events or situations in the future are only to be considered possibilities because the future is never written in stone and we all have free will to guide and direct the course of our lives. A psychic reading/ astrology session/charts shares with us the possibility of the potential outcomes/opportunities that we could bring into our lives. There for any reading/session or course/training program is intended to provide you with insight, confidence to choose the right direction of your life and current path and may help you make an objective and unbiased suggestions to help manifest positive solutions into your life and help solve any concerns you may have about future. Remember, all information shared with you is given with the best intention and are insights and you must be the only one to make decisions to ensure the best possible solutions/outcomes for you. To act or not act on them is at your own discretion and must involve common sense and not breaking the law. Any decisions you make based on a psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course, event are your own responsibility. All services are for entertainment purposes only.
3/ Questions: Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions will reserves the right to refuse to answer any question that is considered to be unsuitable or inappropriate or which oversteps my professional code of ethics and or personal boundaries. Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions.
4/ Honest & Respectful: All psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events conducted by Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions will be delivered and interpreted to the best of her ability with an honest straight forward approach and with integrity and respect. In respect to this delivery method she will give always and share with you her honest opinion while being mindful of how sensitive the situation or information maybe and will not impose information on you that could be detrimental to your emotional or physical well being. Or subject matters that you have clearly indicated that you do not wish to know or explore in depth.
5/ Compassionate & Non-Judgemental: Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions will give you her full attention and listen intently to the information you wish to share with her. To provide in real time information that maybe useful, supportive, delivered in a compassionate way with non-judgemental way in all psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events. You are also asked to have an open mind and be ready to take on board information you may not have considered to help you on your journey of discovery maintain an open heart and mind in order to allow the information to flow fully without judgement.
6/ Empowering & Encouraging: Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions will endeavour that all psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events will endeavour to be a positive experience and leave you with uplifting and constructive information. My aim is to empower you to make great choices in your life with confidence and direction though all my psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events
7/ Responsibility for decisions: Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions will never try to tell you what to do, and how to live hour life. You always have free will to make the choices that feel right for you on all levels. The information that she shares with you through her psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events is to enhance your own decision making. You will be guided, supported and encouraged to make choices that feel right for you, encouraged to take responsibility for your own decisions and actions, You understand that in no way is Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions is not responsible or liable for anything you might do with the information given during psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events. It is up to you, the client, to make choices and use the information wisely and always use your own judgment to make decisions in your own life. Always remember, we are the master of our own destiny and nothing is written in stone. We can always change our own future .Psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events entertainment purposes only.
8/ Medical, legal or financial advice Psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events are conducted for entertainment purposes only and are not meant to replace or substitute proper medical, psychological care or professional advice from other relevant practitioners. Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions is not qualified to treat, diagnose, or prescribe anything for physical or psychological illnesses or disorders or conduct readings in order to provide you with any medical, legal or financial advice. If you have a medical, health or psychological ailment you are advised to seek a medical or mental health professional for the appropriate professional care. All healing products/services and/or workshops are seen as Complementary therapies which do not aim to cure illness but rather to support, enhance and complement mainstream treatment or care.
9/ Readings for Children Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions will not conduct a reading for anyone less than 18 years of age without a parent or guardians written/verbal permission.
10/ Frequency of Sessions: Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions reserves the right to suggest or refuse to perform another psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events if it is deemed too soon or will not be of any further benefit at this time. There is no set time between services.
11/ Referrals: Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions will not refer you to another professional reader or healer in anticipation of acquiring kickbacks or other compensation unless clearly written so you can understand this may happen.
12/ Bookings: All appointments must be prepaid at the time of the booking or by prior arrangement and cleared fund in full.
13/ Refusal & Termination of Services: Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions reserves the right to refuse any client or to terminate a psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events if it is considered personal and/or profession boundaries have been violated. Communication must be clear at all time you will be warned clearly if there is a violation and ask to stop immediately or the consultation will be terminated immediately been
14/ Pricing: All prices are in AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS and are subject to change without notice. All fees and terms of trade will be clearly stated and agreed to prior to psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events and confirmed by verbal email or sms. No additional charges will be added or suggested unless the reading or service has been requested to be extended by client. Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions maintains and reserves the right to make changes to prices per specials, supply costs, labour increases and misprints.
15/ Refund Policy: Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions always prides herself in the highest quality of services provided. If you are not satisfied with your reading or chart within the first 5 minutes of engaging in the services, it is your responsibility as the client to advise Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions of your concerns with the reading/chart and request to stop the and receive a refund on reading/chart. If any course/workshop provided is cancelled by Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions you will be contacted and offered to have the funds transferred for use on another service or an alternative date or for a full refund to be provided minus any course material already posted to you the client. If all curse material are returned by postage in original condition to Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions shall refund in full plus return postage cost of course materials returned. Agreements reached by both parties about alternative dates or refunds will be strictly adhered to with no further discussions being entered into.
16/ Cancellations: If you cancel your attendance to course workshop prior to 7 days of commencement. Full refund will be issued minus any course materials already sent by post Where you purchase Video Skype Training/course/workshop and receive and commence with Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden tree Productions and you cancel only pro rata refund will apply. For Access to online courses or event, due to the electronic nature of these services they are considered to have been delivered and you are not eligible for a refund. If you are unable to complete an online course within the stated start and completion dates, as outlined at the time of booking, please contact Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions to discuss your circumstances and all reasonable opportunities will be provided to support you in undertaking the course which fit within the normal operation of the business. As a general rule, all course start and end dates will be strictly adhered to.
17/ Communication: Any communication through E-mail, Facebook messenger, newsletter etc between Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions and current or prospective clients should NOT be considered a legal or binding contract but is information for your decision to engage a psychic reading astrology session/ discussion, training program/psychic or astrology course & events. Amanda Hall Psychic @ Golden Tree Productions has the right to referral and immediately stops all communication, including email, phone or other forum, which is perceived as aggressive, bullying, disrespectful, rude and inappropriate or oversteps any and all personal and professional boundaries.
18/ Products: Any information given on the healing properties of products available is not intended to act as a substitute for traditional professional medical treatment, nor can it be used for diagnosis.