Feedback & Samples
Feedback-Samples – customers are saying about our services & products @ Amanda Hall Psychic – Astrologer -Tarot Kits – Soy candles
Tom Richards – 19th June 2009 Channel 7 Hit Series – Sons & Daughters role David Palmer
First of all hi Amanda, I cannot thank you enough for your time and effort in your reading and your presentation.
My head is in a spin and I must say I am feeling very good. Thank You.

After writing this I may go up on the roof and jump off as I believe I feel so good I can fly.
Certainly I have often thought over the years that something more was coming into my life.
Furthermore I still feel there is something more to offer.
Above all I found your reading most interesting and correct. I hope about the future, but
certainly about the present.
I shall listen to the CD again not only to receive some new information.
But for the wonderful feeling and buzz I got – The gift was great.
I was taught many years ago to read the tarot cards – I must say some of the readings I did turn out to be correct.
However for reasons unknown I let the ability slide. So I am eager to read and learn again with your gift.
Tom Richards – 19th June 2009 Channel 7 Hit Series – Sons & Daughters role David Palmer
Feedback from professional’s on Amanda Hall’s readings !

Sophie -Hi my long time friend. I had a house fire in 2017 and lost most my cards.
I rebought Simply Tarot the other day online. Wanted my first deck I had as a professional back
Amanda – Just love stories like this from my long term sister over the water love ya heaps Sophie xx
Sophie – Awww I used them to teach tarot. And got other people learning to buy them too. I appreciate you always sis
Amanda – wow that is amazing that what the journey of the Tarot is all about sharing the love and and helping people to improve their lives xx
Sophie – definitely! 11th October 2023
Aashika Psychic – India – 3rd March 2024
Dear Ma’am, I am a huge believer of tarot. I have been using your Simply Tarot deck for more than 12 years now
It is my favourite deck and now I need a new one but you have stopped the production of it..
Secrets of tarot is also good but i have a special connection with Simply Tarot..
It is an absolute pleasure getting in touch with you ma’am, I just love your work..
Thank you so much for creating such an amazing deck, it made my tarot journey an amazing one as Simply Tarot was my first ever deck and the one from which I initially learnt Tarot Reading..
Lots of Love and Respect to you ma’am..

Terri Virgina – Holistic Clairvoyant – Medium
While Amanda has read for me on several occasions and has been so accurate its scary !
I love her energy and compassion.
Thank you again Amanda for helping me see the sun shinning in my near future.
Blowing Wishes and Kisses xxx Terri 3rd October 2017
Tahu Quintal – Psychic TV Australia
I finally got my hands on these cards and I haft to say they are AWESOME!!!

Also the Tarot spread in your book is amazing and really accurate especially with one
question readings. I’ve stocked this deck in my shop I really love it. The book was a really
awesome read too you’ve done well. Thank you for making such an awesome Tarot deck.
6th September 2018
I am Jo Robertson founder of Psychic Owl.

First of all I am a professional Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader 2015.
As a result learning Tarot was a blessing, this was the beginning of my spiritual awakening.
Above all Tarot takes you on a journey of the self.
Certainly the day I was handed my very first deck was from the Tarot/Master-Clairvoyant-Astrologer-Author Amanda Hall;
Inducted into the Psychic Hall of Fame 2013, called the Simply Tarot Deck is etched into my psyche.
Even more as this moment I unlocked the door between worlds.
Consequently I felt a deep sensation way down inside my soul of familiarity.
Above all learning each Tarot Card was like being re-acquainted with a memory from a past life.
Seems like I had done this before and I just knew it to be true.
Probably I was a Gypsy in another life.
Above all when learning the tarot it felt like I was remembering the tarot, it felt like a memory that had been closed or packed away deep inside my soul.
Above all I described this experience as memory bubbles raising up from the center of my soul that spoke the words ‘Welcome Home’.
Goddess Magazine 1st June 2010

The Goddess magazine >>> I just got magazine
First of all what a stunning looking piece of work this GODDESS is.
Above all these graphics and layout are absolutely beautiful.
Furthermore whoever the graphic artist is she, or he is amazing.
Because you do not see anything like this (metaphysical) over here in the USA.
Rather unless I am missing something like it here.
Probably I don’t frequent the news stands here. We don’t have a news stand, actually.
As a result magazines are sold in super markets, chemist – scattered all over the place.
WOW!!! read your articles and I will speak to you about it when we speak next.
Thank you very much, Amanda!!!!!!!
Even more you are part of something very,very nice with this. Keep it going!!!
From your friend – USA – and I am not the slightest bit exaggerating.
Above all what can I say to that amazing comment from a very dear friend Michael from the USA- Technical Analyst*Financial Astronomer
Feedback-Samples – customers are saying about our services & products @ Amanda Hall Psychic – Astrologer -Tarot Kits – Soy candles
Simply Tarot Course

Testimonial from
Simply Tarot Student.
Ola Guys,
Thanks for a great weekend
Have been practicing (and using)
your spreads.I have learn t much over the weekend ta…
Cheers Trish Professional Psychic Reader- Healer – Teacher
I am Jo Robertson founder of Psychic Owl.
First of all I am a professional Psychic Medium & Tarot Reader 2015.
As a result learning Tarot was a blessing, this was the beginning of my spiritual awakening.
Above all Tarot takes you on a journey of the self. Certainly the day I was handed my very first deck was from the
Tarot/Master-Clairvoyant-Astrologer-Author Amanda Hall; Inducted into the Psychic Hall of Fame 2013, called
the Simply Tarot Deck is etched into my psyche. Even more as this moment I unlocked the door between worlds.
Consequently I felt a deep sensation way down inside my soul of familiarity.
Above all learning each Tarot Card was like being re-acquainted with a memory
from a past life. Seems like I had done this before and I just knew it to be true.
Probably I was a Gypsy in another life. Above all when learning the tarot it felt
like I was remembering the tarot, it felt like a memory that had been closed or
packed away deep inside my soul. Above all I described this experience as
memory bubbles raising up from the center of my soul that spoke the words
‘Welcome Home’.
Feedback-Samples – customers are saying about our services & products @ Amanda Hall Psychic – Astrologer -Tarot Kits – Soy candles
Simply Tarot Set

As a result I when walking past the local bookshop and noticed your
tarot pack-i bought it.
First of all I have read tarot in the past and loved your presentation
and also the fantastic artwork of your cards take care
Gregory Charet – Bankstown Australia
First of all hello I am a tarot beginner and have bought your deck.
“Simply Tarot”.
Furthermore warm regards, and thank you for introducing me tho the wonderful world of tarot – I’m hooked!
Cheryl Lee Thornton City Bradford, United Kingdom Link to blog:
Simply Tarot Set with DVD

NEW TAROT BOXED SET BOOK, CARDS & DVD. First of all this brand-
new boxed set is complete with Tarot card set, book, and instructional DVD.
Because the symbolism employed in the deck is universal. Furthermore you will
be able to use any other standard Tarot deck with equal skill. Even more It is
really a winner of a design. While the book is a nice paper bound 8 1/2″ x 6″ full-
colour instructional and reference manual. Even more the spreads are shown, and each card is pictured and
summarized. Also in addition, there is a protective plastic slot just inside the front cover for keeping your
instructional DVD. Above all this allows you to store the book and DVD easily and safely without taking up too much
shelf space. As a result I thought it was a really considerate
and well- thought -out feature. Also the DVD is clear and
really well-presented. Most noteworthy Australian woman
A highly experienced professional Tarot card reader. Due
to explains the history of the Tarot, the card layouts, and
the cards in the deck. She gave information that I had not
previously read, in a very easy-to- assimilate manner. For
the reason that makes this is an excellent instructional DVD. Finally I was not only pleasantly surprised at the high
quality of the presentation, Above all I was quite delighted with it. BRAND-NEW BOXED SET, OUTSTANDING
AN UNCOMMONLY GOOD VALUE!!!! Cheers Louise Alan Jay -Earthen Herbals Canada
http://www.earthenherbals.cawrites Face Book Jan 2010 Above all your tarot deck is really pretty. 🙂 xx
Facebook Friends – Simply Tarot
Olga Stchebina Sassine A Face Book Friend -Hi Amanda,
First of all I have brought your tarots cards and all I can say is THANK YOU,
Above all I just love them and the cards just jump at me when i do them…
Finally so a big thank you again darls…Sending you love and light..

Olga xx 23rd January 2010
Sophie Psychic Isis Rowe – A Face Book Friend
Above all a big thank you for accepting my friendship!
Furthermore I have to say a huge thank you to you.
Certainly your cards helped me to become a professional reader. Consequently I have a massive soft spot for the
cards. Also the DVD that came with them helped too. For the reason that I just can’t say a big enough thank you 🙂
xxx Even more than that you certainly can place my comment on the site. They have got a magic. Really lovely.
Furthermore I recommend them to others who are new to tarot also x Sophie 29th March 2010
Simply Tarot comments from overseas
First of all hi Amanda!
Certainly I’m glad that I found such a great set of Simply Tarot Card reading.
Fore the reason that I am in love with an informative book and cool tarot cards with great images.
Certainly I am having fun doing the readings myself and it is very easy and simple for beginners like me.
As a result I can feel that the cards really have the connection with me. I will definitely practice more!
Thank you and have a good day! 🙂
Rochelle Ocanpo-Manilla Phillipines 21st July 2010
Facebook Friendships are important to us at Simply Tarot

First of of all thank you for adding me.
Certainly really love Simply Tarot Bought a second book after the first book tattered from so much use.
Furthermore many blessings to you!!
Even more blessings back at you for teaching me Tarot through your book .
Finally glad we are connection Facebook !!
Elvia Martinez Montez 29th July 2010 San Antonio, TX
Hence I have enjoyed your tarots cards for years .
As a result my cards are 10 years old and cannot find them anywhere.
Above all would love to purchase simply Tarot again please.
Certainly my readings are my passion.
Finally thank you so much i have been searching for your cards for a long time .regards Tania Tania -22nd January 2011
To purchase Simply Tarot Card Kits
Hulya Mehmet 2nd march 2011 – London
Hi Amanda, Just want to say l purchased your tarot pack with book for myself and a friend,its brilliant love the cards! x
Sunny Burgess Face Book friend 28.4.2011
Above all – yes – I was attracted to this tarot deck a few years ago and made a snap purchase.
Also what a great idea to have the meanings written on the cards!
Certainly anything to make it simpler.
Above all the imagery is quite striking too.!!
Angela Galopoulos Sydney New South Wales Australia 2.6. 2011
First of all I can’t wait to receive this tarot kit.
Because I had an original one years ago, and its worn and torn.
Above all a truly amazing way to learn.

Especially with the dvd. Thank you!!
Mel wrote: “I love these cards! My favorite set!
Above all they gave me a whole new perspective on the Rider-Waite deck!!”
2nd July 2011 Mel – FaceBook 14th November 2011
One our facebook family Hulya Mehmet
Furthermore I love these Tarot cards,so easy follow! ·
Erin Ibanez June 6, 2013 First of all, hey Amanda! I never have spoken to you before but just wanted to say that
about 5 years ago I bought your lovely tarot deck (Simply Tarot) Certainly they have been absolutely AMAZING
cards for me for so many years 🙂 Above all for the last 4 years I’ve just done readings for myself every now and again.
Asa result in the last 12 months I have awakened and becoming more in tune. Therefore have started to use them for
readings for other people now. Asa result I just wanted to say thank you for creating such a lovely spread.
Furthermore they are so easy to use and I cannot possibly see myself using any other spread for my readings. Thank you 🙂 x
Simply Tarot comments from overseas
Lisanna Maria November 20, 2014 ·

Finally hi guys,I want to introduce a friend of mine Amanda Hall. Above
all who is well known psychic.Astrologer in her own country Australia.
Hence she own’s her own company Golden Tree Productions. Most note
worthy has her own tarot cards that Amanda developed herself. because I
have been using simply tarot cards for a long as i can remember.
Consequently I have found these cards to be different and I was drawn to
them . Fir that reason, And I love Amanda’s unique design,has suited me
as i am unique myself. Therefore if anyone would like to check Amanda Hall Simply
You will find Amanda has a range of other products she sells. So say welcome to the lovely Amanda Hall everybody. Xxx
Thank you. Received the deck today.
This was the first deck I bought myself 15 years ago when I was living in Malaysia.
Years later I lost the cards when the roof gave way and it got soaked in the rain.
I’m now a reader and have many oracle decks but when I saw this online, It brought back sooo many memories and I knew I had to get it.
Thank you for creating this. This deck holds a special place in my heart.
Alyonna Parveen
Alyonna Divine Healing. 12th December 2019
Psychic TV
Pixie Noni Lawrence Finally I just watched you on Psychic T.V.
Above all you’re still gorgeous
The years melted away we could have been in dear Gail’s lounge room or at your place over the road
Certainly you’ve done so well congratulations

Still helping people I’m very proud to know you 🙂 xxx ·Pixie Lawrence
First of all Just a quick message to anyone considering buying your cards Amanda.
I got my set last week and have already done 5 very positive readings for some friends with them.
Furthermore great cards and I love the feel of them they are quickly becoming my favorite deck.
Finally they have a wonderful friendly feel to them, thank you again
Facebook Friendships are important to us at Simply Tarot

Mary Mitchell Above all I know I love my set as well
Sandra Hanson Even more I have them had m for years
Olga Sassine I have been using mine now for quite a wile now, just love them…xxx
Ginny from NZ Above all I use these for my readings
Finally I have really connected with them wouldn’t w
ant to use any others at this stage. Love n Light Ginny
Christine Petanic Above all yes, they were my first deck i bought them a long time ago with your dvd, still in mint
condition. Because i don’t let anyone else except my son to touch them I’m like that with all my tarot and oracle cards
because to me they are priceless While I mainly use your cards though because they give me instant answers Finally
they are simply fantastic? xoxo
2nd December 2016 Chrisi Petanic
The best Astrolger ! ❤??Amanda Hall Psychic Because I love your work Amanda and i should also add that you are
the best psychic and tarot reader as well xxxx Chrisi Petanic xxx 2017
Feedback from the customers on Amanda Hall’s readings !

Margaret Minicozzi posted to Amanda Hall 5TH NOV 2012
First of all to all Amanda Hall fb friends I would like to give you my feedback on this lovely lady.
As a result going back 3 wks ago I had a reading with Amanda
Furthermore she told me that my business would sell in a matter of a wk to ten days negotiations were happening as we were talking.
Certainly I will never forget her words to me …..
Above all the buyers want you out yesterday…
For that reason I thought no no cant happen, my God within 2 days I signed documents.
Even more 3 days later the deal was finalized within a week I handed the keys to the new business owners.
Hence I was out so fast it was unbelievable.
Above all Amanda is amazing straight down the line all my years of having readings she has been accurate 100 percent.
Finally thank you Amanda Hall your simply the best. XXXX
TANYA 18.3.16 – New Zealand
First of all hello Amanda my name is Tanya u did a reading for me a few days ago.
Hence I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your gift of guidance and the time u allocated to speak with me relaying all that spirit has shown u..bless you and your amazing heart Amanda.
Certainly your skills in astrology are phenomenal so spot on.
Above all it’s truly amazing what’s revealed in the stars with exceptional astrologer to guide and shine light upon them.
Even more all the best with all that is going on in your life and may your spirit open many amazing doors for you.
Finally big love and light much love Tanya xx
Therefore thank you so much you are amazing x I’m so excited to have found you Amanda… Due to you’re giving
me hope for a happy future! Thank you so much… As a I result am so grateful for your readings! I had tears at last
one as this man sounds like my exact match! Certainly I have faith that this will happen because I had another
clairvoyant tell me almost exactly the same things in regards to the first reading. Cheers, Aleena. 2nd July 2011
Simply Tarot Reading for Louise- Dec 2009

First of all thanks so much Amanda.Thank you so much for my reading
today, Certainly it was so accurate I almost fell off my chair, I found
your reading to be spot on and genuine, Finally it gave me a great sense
of comfort and relief.
11th February 2017 First of all hi Amanda Allow me to leave
feedback on all the Tarot readings of 2001 to 2004 and 2009. Certainly
not only is the story that came out of them still unfolding to this day.
Therefore by the Grace of God, all the stars line up on everything that
was said. Finally they were very much worth the money. Your service
was priceless. Regards Michael Rashad- 11th February 2017
Hi Amanda, First of all i’m so touched to receive your beautiful words!
Above all Wow, what a profound message to bring through, thank you so much! Furthermore i’m most grateful that
you took time out of your busy weekend to do this, this was very kind of you. Finally I feel comfort, peace and greater
strength in moving forward with all the workload ? ? Wishing you a lovely Mothers Day André 13th May 2018
Feedback-Samples – customers are saying about our services & products @ Amanda Hall Psychic – Astrologer -Tarot Kits – Soy candles
Feedback from professional’s on Amanda Hall’s Candles !

Gerry Crow You should be proud Amanda!
First of all these candles are impressive, with unique
spiritual, magical and healing properties.
Certainly I have had very strong spiritual experiences
while meditating with the beautiful
Healing candle that you gave me.
As a result as soon as I lit it I had the vision
of an ancient medicine woman.
Certainly I heard her chanting and felt the blue healing light around her.
Because she wasn’t one of my mob.
Because however she did take her place in the circle of light that I work within
and gave healing that was extended to all, thru the circle.
Due to them be so amazing, to be purchasing for my personal use and in my healing and readings with others!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to you and all involved in creating the candles
Even more they are very special indeed!!!! Looking forward to seeing you XXXOOO

Maz Rukz Finally it was so lovely to see you Amanda and your beautiful new candle
range they’re amazing.
Kat Simicevic Above all I’m loving them. Best purchase I tell you and they smell so
good you could eat them.

Terry Virgina 8.10.15
Certainly beautiful Smelling Candles for
Every situation.. Amanda Halls
Awesome Collection
Magic Maree 9.10.15 Above all I know how blessed am I to
receive these candles in the mail today. Therefore so grateful for all
the wonderful gifts in life!! For that reason Wishing you all magic
miracles every day. ❤?

Melbourne Psychics For Parties And Events . 10.10.15 Certainly love these
candles they are simply the best. Likewise I am always looking for products to work
with that I can feel the integrity in. Consequently as a result I use and recommend
this candles. Due to which are burning along with the show Soul Star Radio Lots
of love xxxxxx Jacquelene Close Moore – psychic, artist, healer Soul Star
Radio 20.10.2015

Jacquelene Close Moore 27.10.15
Thank you Amanda, for the
candles you sent me. They each have beautiful and powerfully
effective energy. That does what it says on each of the different
labels accordingly. I am rarely this impressed by product
ranges intended. To clear or change spaces on an energy level.
However these did more than impress me. These candles absolutely get my personal & professional
recommendation. Thank you for bringing these into existence they are much needed at this time for many.
Blessings Jacquelene
Gerry Crow

It certainly was amazing, and special for us all to be in the same place together,
connecting, yaking, laughing, made my heart sing! lighting my very special
new Amanda candles today
Feedback from customers on Amanda Hall’s Candles !

Cheryl Rathborne ·
First of all it was a pleasure meeting at Festival of Dreams…
Above all with Wishcraft in my oil burner today was divine..much gratitude Amanda…love those sunflowers.
Tania Eslick to Amanda Hall 27.10.2015
Hi Amanda I was jut leaving you a note about the 2 candles from you.
Fist of all ,Wow the healing one smelt yummy.
Above all when I as it burns it’s wow I go of into a deep relaxation. Something inside of me seemed to be so relaxed.
Even more now after the love,wealth and destiny candle oh wow wow and wow.
As a result not only has my soulmate and I grew deeper.
Certainly my wealth has allowed me to be richer in every area of my life.My destiny path has really stood out for me to see.
Asa result I can stay true to my path. Wow Amanda your candles are truly amazing. thank you xxx
Margaret Ferreira 12.11.15 My Angel In The Sky candles by Amanda Hall are beautiful

Hi Amanda First of all I wrote a wish and burnt the candle it worked.
As a result I wrote my wish and burnt the candle with the same wish twice.
Certainly everything started to fall through then a sudden turn around amazing I am now on my second wish.
Due to this I thought you might like to know the speed and accuracy of the candle working.
Above all Thank you so much for the candle, it is the gift that
gives. Love Ronelle 25.2.16
21st November 2018 – Kat Jenus – Evolve John Edward Psychic Event
Amanda Hall just wanted to say thank you so much for the lovely candles you
gave me in Brisbane! I am only now sitting down with time to thank you. Next time please let me know it’s you.
Everyone’s photo is the size of a thumbnail and I didn’t know that was you! That night was a hectic one we were
running so so late and we needed to let the venue close up that I was barely looking up!
Feedback-Samples – customers are saying about our services & products @ Amanda Hall Psychic – Astrologer -Tarot Kits – Soy candles
Simply Astrology Book
Chrisi Petanic 16.11.16

Firs of all I must share with you I never miss a show, you are amazing on it.
Above all you are wealth of knowledge and information.
But I’m not just saying it when i say that you have a huge gift and talent.
Above all for Astrology and teaching, not everyone can do it well.
Or have the ability to engage the audience and make it so interesting. But you can Amanda, and that sounds fantastic Amanda!
Having ones chart to look at at the same time as reading the book.
Will definitely help him and everyone learn and understand themselves. Better and to understand what astrology actually is.
Definitely I remember how i never knew my time of birth and because the hospital in was born in was bombed during the war in Croatia.
Then my uncle sent me a copy of my birth certificate. One week before my astrology course was about to begin.
But It was definitely synchronicity. Especially since it would have been impossible for me to get a copy by myself all the way from here.
Above all having my chart was very important for learning and made it fun and very interesting… i will definitely be buying your book for him ? thank you so much Amanda xxx
A1R Psychic Radio Show on Moonstruck TV
Testimonials from the show Chrisi Petanic
First of all this your show Amanda was so awesome and fantastic that I was riveted to my seat.
Certainly I cannot wait for your next show…thank you so much Amanda
Above all you are truly the greatest psychic and astrology teacher and story teller ….love and blessings to you ?
Alison Marie
Above all a great show Amanda ? I loved hearing about how you developed your Psychic abilities from such a young age! ?
Chrisi Petanic
Certainly psychic development as well, as astrology Fun stories as well, it can only get better in that instance
Above all thank you so much Amanda.
As a result you truly are the greatest and an absolute legend ? ? xoxo
Chrisi Petanic Certainly the best show on the planet !
Lenny Dawe Above all love to you Amanda Hall
Sylvia Helen Certainly I am ready can’t wait ♡ have a great day Amanda xxx
Chrisi Petanic Certainly amazing wonderful show Amanda ? thank you xox
FREE Astrology Chart – Sign up for Newsletter!

Above all – Oh Amanda thank you thank you for a wonderful astrology chart was amazing xxxoooxxx Sheryl 11th November 2017
So I got mine today. Thank you so much – it was very comprehensive and insightful.
Elizabeth Shukin 23.11.17
First of all thank you Amanda really appreciate it, that is the first astrology chart that I can read that is descriptive and easy to relate to and understand. Regards Antonina 25.11.17