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Amanda-Hall Psychic-Astrologer 40 years exp-author – Teacher – Media – Tarot Kits – teach your self today with these step by step kits.
STOP PRESS : Golden Tree Productions has ceased Video Production in 2006

Amanda Hall Psychic
Tarot, psychic work, Amanda Hall, learning tarot – author for Hinkler Books
Hi i’m Amanda Hall I am Psychic Astrologer.
Certainly I love to work with Tarot and Astrology helping people get more focus and direction in their lives today.
Hence we can work with those tricky issues like love, money, direction, children.Tarot, psychic work.
Certainly I am passionate about people having the opportunity to tarot – this led me to become an author for Hinkler Books
With my journey venturing into Psychic work when I was very young.
Now with my career spanning over 40 years Tarot has always been my passion.
Followed now very closely with Astrology for all the wisdom and guidance of the stars in the universe.
“It Is written in the Stars”
I have been fortunate to receive many industry awards for my Psychic work.
Including Psychic Hall Of Fame 2013 then Psychic Of The Year 2014|15|16|17
Tarot, psychic work, Amanda Hall, learning tarot -Author for Hinkler
I just love working with the Tarot Cards as they are picture cards.
They share with us their story of your life is changing and for ever evolving as we move through life.
I took up Astrology very early in my career as it had always fascinated me.
it captivate me and I was drawn to the heavens.
This quickly became one of my favorite tools along with Tarot.
Astrology is a researched science and this appealed to me as it was not guess work or open to vague interpretation.
There was definite time factors and guide lines to follow and this gave precise information and guidance.
Astrology Chart is a map of birth like a pollard photo of the planets in the Solar System.
They determine your personality and how you emotionally approach the journey of life.
Tarot, psychic work, Amanda Hall, learning tarot – author for Hinkler Books
Working with candles were always used when I was working with the Tarot Card, reading teaching or just writing another course.
I always feel they clear the energy and make it pure and protected ready for work.
As candles were always burning during my work it was not unrealistic to gravitate into designing a candle range for my own personal use.
Then I made them available for my customers to bring changes into their busy lives INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION into your life today.
Tarot, psychic work, Amanda Hall, learning tarot – author for Hinkler Books

Hey have you got your FREE ASTROLOGY chart today sign up today …
Amanda‘s Psychic Journey
My Aunt who had the Gift of Sight – recognized my ability as a small child and encouraged me to develop my gift.
When I was much older under the watchful eye of a fellow Famous Clairvoyant-Astrologer and my husband they encouraged me to develop this gift even further, with teaching Tarot & Astrology.
Then in the early 1980’s I commenced teaching Tarot in the Australian College System.
This enabled me to write the Award Winning Best Selling – Simply Tarot for Hinkler Books Australia. Book, DVD & Tarot Cards.
Now everyone can learn Tarot quickly and easily. I have continued with my quest to teach my skills to willing students over the last 35 years with a variety of courses.
Tarot, psychic work, Amanda Hall, learning tarot – author for Hinkler Books

Recently Hinkler Books expanded our Tarot Stable to include the brand new Secrets Of Tarot Kit
In demand for television interviews and talk back radio shows, Amanda has written for many psychic magazines and newspapers.
Tarot, psychic work, Amanda Hall, learning tarot – author for Hinkler Books
She has attended and has staged many psychic shows around Australia during her extensive career.
Tarot, psychic work, Amanda Hall, learning tarot -Author for Hinkler Books
Our Team at Golden Tree Productions

Jack Egerton
Formerly Channel 7 TV
Award Winning Director Producer Cameraman
Wrote Filmed & Directed The Award Winning
Simply Tarot DVD with Amanda Hall Simply Tarot
for Hinkler Books Australia
Visit Golden Tree Productions web Site For all Video/production http://www.goldentree.com.au
1,000 Happy Customers
1,000 Happy Customers
“Love the way Amanda deals her hand.
Always brings fun, laughter, and enjoyment into my life. ”
— Tom Richards on Sep 13, 2012
“Put your future in the hands of someone who knows. The future is
always BRIGHT with Amanda.”
— Tom Richards on Sep 5, 2012