New Moon Pisces + Workshop

New Moon Pisces + Workshop


New-Moon-Pisces-workshop we turn inward and look deep into our emotions and our thought patterns. A time of release and renewal



A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV

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The Amanda Hall Psychic Show

A1R Psychic Radio & Moonstruck TV


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                New Moon Pisces

New  Moon in Pisces A time of new beginnings, new opportunities now.

When the moon is new it s the perfect time to set our goal s for the month ahead and beyond.

This is the perfect time to write you list on a piece of paper of at least 2 short term goals we hope to complete within the month ahead plus 1 or more longer term goals we are constantly working towards for the future.



Great ideas

So many of us have great ideas in our mind and that is where it stays.

Now we need to change this and start to set our goals in motion by taking control and writing them down and then working out what is most urgent. 

What we feel we can achieve quickly so we may have a a couple of lists and then we have the one for this New Moon to set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION we are ready to receive



Pisces time of the year is the last sign of the Zodiac and is affectionate known as the dust bin of the Zodiac.


I feel this is a little unfair. yes it can be the time where we turn inward and look deep into our emotions and our thought patterns.

A time of release of any thoughts and emotions that no longer serve us well.

With Pisces being the 12th Sign of the Zodiac it means a time of endings and release.

It is a Water Sign that is passive and is seen to be very gentle and caring energy.

All of this is true and they are not always two fish chasing their tail not get any where fast .

They can be very creative and caring people who just love to find the good in everyone.

Yes they can become over whelmed and need to take a mental health day for them selves every now and then.

Maybe we should all look to doing this for ourselves a couple of time a year.

I feel they have the wisdom of all previous 11 signs before them so this makes them very wise indeed.



New-Moon-Pisces-workshop  we turn inward and look deep into our emotions and our thought patterns. A time of release and renewal


Pisces is the 12th Sign of the Zodiac + The Fish + Water Sign + Mutable + Passive


To learn more about the sign of Pisces or any of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

Simply Astrology Book

To learn more about of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply

Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading





Glimpse around the universe

Glimpse around the Universe for this week on A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



Neptune Conjunct Moon in Pisces

Neptune is where we can deceive ourselves and others.
Moon is our emotional face we show the world and how we handle them


Neptune Conjunct or holding hands with Moon can be a tricky transit as we find that our emotions can be all over the place as we try to reign them in and get some sort of order in our lives.

Neptune can be blamed for being the planet that makes us insecure, thinking people are plotting against us, creating a fog in our lives so we can’t see clearly the path way ahead.

Yes he can be all of this an more. On the positive side Neptune is allowing to say I don’t know yet how I wish to proceed or what my thoughts are.

With this comes the opportunity to allow our creative energy to run wild and maybe find new solutions we would not have explored or thought of before.

When you add the next dimension here with the Moon conjunct or holding hands with Neptune.

Now we add another layer or two with emotions see sawing from positive to negative in a moments notice while we establish the balance and make sure we are not deceive our selves or others with choices we are making now.

Now we had the final layer to the equation of Pisces and this bring in the short term wildly emotional chaos as we head out into the Pisces/Neptune fog, and search the options available in our mind as solutions and then pick the one we feel is right for us and then this becomes our truth and the way to proceed forward.




Facebook 1

  • Simply Tarot Card Of week
  • Soy Candle Of Week
  • Mini Astrology Lesson
  • A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



New-moon-Pisces-workshop we turn inward and look deep into our emotions and our thought patterns. A time of release and renewal


Simply Tarot Card Of week



To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards

Simply Tarot Cards
Simply Tarot Cards


New-Moon-Pisces March 2018 we turn inward and look deep into our emotions and our thought patterns. A time of release and renewal


Soy Candle Of Week

New Moon Large candle info
Water Sign Gift Box set with information Cancer- Scorpio – Pisces



New-Moon-Pisces-workshop we turn inward and look deep into our emotions and our thought patterns. A time of release and renewal



Astrology Health part 2 of 4 special Mini Astrology lesson




Join me Wednesday at 12.30pm AEST (Qld) as I present NEW MOON IN PISCES– MINI WORKSHOP with my very own FB Live video show with Amanda Hall Psychic.

I just love that technology allows us to be here on FB live to present a different mini workshop every week. We will talk about our topic of the week and how we can bring about changes into our lives.

Small changes bring results

Small changes can bring big results. Working with one of my Natural Eco Soy Candles will assist complete the process of changes in our lives and bringing us closer towards our goals and set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION in motion.

I am excited share this information with you. We can all achieve so much more. When we know how to set the scene and create the right energy to attract more of our goals with INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION


Finally on this week workshop

To Binge watch previous shows