Full- Moon-Scorpio + Workshop

Full- Moon-Scorpio + Workshop



Amanda Hall Psychic Show                A1R Psychic Radio On Moonstruck TV

The countdown begins for my radio/tv show Psychic Show  A1R Psychic Radio On Moonstruck TV Day time starting next Tuesday!  5.00 Pm USA Eastern 10.00pm UK & Ireland time. 11.00 am NZ  Wednesday Morning Gold Coast 8.00 am


Full-Moon-Scorpio -+Workshop. A time- moon seeks emotional answers. Time to dive under the covers and explore and release what is hidden. 


Amanda Hall Psychic Show                                                                Poster-for-show
A1R Psychic Radio On Moonstruck TV
5.00 Pm USA Eastern
10.00 pm UK & Ireland time.
11.00 am NZ 
Wednesday Morning Gold Coast 7.00 am



On This Week’s Show https://youtu.be/yAxBru2I_k8

To Binge watch previous shows https://www.facebook.com/amandahallpsychicshow/    


Full Moon in Scorpio 15th  May 2018 + Workshop
The most powerful Full Moon of the Astrology Calendar is here now.

So what can we expect?
Can I make big changes in my life now using the power of this full moon now?

Full Moon in Scorpio this can be a very taxing and intense time on our emotions as we are asked to delve deep into ourselves.

Soul searching and dealing with our emotions can be hard to deal with now.

Is there hidden unresolved issues we need to bring to the surface.

Time to take a look at them and try to understand what and how they influence us.

Then try to resolve or make peace with them.

For some of us this is a very difficult thing to do as we spend so much time and energy keeping this well hidden and under control.

On a more positive an powerful note this can be the best time of the year.

When the power of great insight and wisdom is with us and we can make great breakthroughs in our lives on many levels.

We have the insight and intuition to see very clearly from every angle now with such clarity and vision like never before.

This can be scary, confronting , but also the most liberating experience and able to set us free.

To begin a new and very powerful next phase of our lives with confidence and to leave the past behind us with great confidence.

As we leave behind the past that  we have processed and dealt with all issues squarely and honestly and now the transformation and rebirth can begin.



Full-Moon-Scorpio -+Workshop. A time- moon seeks emotional answers. Time to dive under the covers and explore and release what is hidden.



The Scorpio energy is always about, intensity, bring to the surface what has been buried and hidden from us.

Sometime we are our own worst enemies as we lie to ourselves and say everything is all ok .

When it is not because we don’t have the confidence or the know how to tackle the problem or issues head on.

Sometimes it is easier to pretend they are not there and ignore them hoping they will go away.

But unfortunately they never really do. They do surface at some time and we need to deal with them.

The positive side of this energy is the power to transform all that is worn and and present into a new light as if it is brand new and reborn, and in many cases it has been .

Out of death and decay comes the spring of new shoots and new growth which is a blessing in itself for all.

So embrace and enjoy the power of this amazing energy release and renew your life today.


Full-Moon-Scorpio -+Workshop. A time- moon seeks emotional answers. Time to dive under the covers and explore and release what is hidden.



Scorpio the 8th Sign of the Zodiac + The Scorpion + Water Sign + Fixed+ Passive


To learn more about  the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs.

Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading


To learn more about the sign of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.



Full-Moon-Scorpio -+Workshop. A time- moon seeks emotional answers. Time to dive under the covers and explore and release what is hidden.



Glimpse around the universe

Glimpse around the Universe for this week on A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



Uranus is the allowing us to break free of restrictions Now that Uranus has just moved in Taurus from 15th May 2018 to 26th April 2026 Personal perspective for all us Uranus-in-taurus With Uranus has just moved in Taurus from 15th May 2018 to 26th April 2026

 wow what a long transit I hear you say. Well not exactly as slower moving or long range outer planets always move at a different ans slower pace than the faster moving more personal planets.

Well this is going to be a time of massive changes for all of us personally and globally.

Now we will look at how this is going to affect us globally.  

Bull’s In the Paddock energy.

We will see a bit of power being tossed around like Bull’s in a paddock as they try to convince everyone else including them selves they are the most powerful person on the globe.

  We ll we all know this is not true so it will be interesting to see them all play silly school children games as we try to get down to the serious issues of fixing the world and it problems.

After they settle down and put their ego’s to bed we will find some real progress on some of the biggest issues the world now faces.

There will be a slow down and really examine how to approach these issues and formulate some definite and progressive directions to move forward.

Not everyone will be on board at the beginning and will need time to absorb the information and come to the table to support and help move the thing forward in the name of the globe.

It will be an exciting time to be alive and watch history in the making.  


Full-Moon-Scorpio -+Workshop. A time- moon seeks emotional answers. Time to dive under the covers and explore and release what is hidden.



Simply Tarot Card Of week


To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards

Simply Tarot Cards
Simply Tarot Cards



Full-Moon-Scorpio -+Workshop. A time- moon seeks emotional answers. Time to dive under the covers and explore and release what is hidden.


Soy Candle Of Week













                                                            Astrology – Famous Actors

Liz Taylor female actress Pisces



Facebook Live – Full Moon Scorpio

Amanda Hall Psychic Workshop Series  TV show on- Each week a different workshop

Facebook Live –Tuesday!                                   

Nu Fb Live workshop.11

5.30 Pm USA Eastern
10.30 pm UK & Ireland time.
11.30 am NZ 
Wednesday Morning Gold Coast 7.30 am







Small changes bring results

Small changes can bring big results. Working with one of my Natural Eco Soy Candles Will assist complete the process of changes in our lives.
Bringing us closer towards our goals and set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION in motion.
I am excited share this information with you.
We can all achieve so much more.  
Finally on this week workshop https://youtu.be/EA8L3QJqOk4


Sun in Scorpio + Workshop

Sun in Scorpio + Workshop

Sun-in-Scorpio-workshop – 8th sign of the Zodiac the Scorpion – Deep hidden emotions. Needing to find answers to their life and move forward now.



Amanda Hall Psychic Show
A1R Psychic Radio On Moonstruck TV
The countdown begins for my radio/tv show
Day time starting next Tuesday!
5.00 Pm USA Eastern
10.00 pm UK & Ireland time.
11.00 am NZ 
Wednesday Morning Gold Coast 8.00 am


This Week show   https://youtu.be/dch8QvEBKqw

To Binge watch previous shows https://www.facebook.com/amandahallpsychicshow/

Sun In Scorpio


Sun in Scorpio  happens once a year as early as the 16th of the month and as late as the 26th. So why does this happen. Then Sun enters on different dates each year for each sign depending on the earth;s wobble. That is why some people describe I am born on the “Cusp” This is not exactly true. They are born within the range I have given you as a guide line for when the Sun can enters the Zodiac or Sun Sign for this year. The word Cusp is the correct word for the line that divides the Zodiac/Astrology Sign energies into the 12 houses.



Scorpio the Scorpion is a fixed and deep emotional sign.  Always to delve below the surface to understand their deep and some what hidden emotions.

First of all a they are a very secretive sign who does not feel they can trust many people and it can be hard to get to know them.

While they have sense of right and wrong sometimes they can not see what is right in front of them because they feel someone has lied to them and tried to deceive them.

For that reason they can be very obsessive and controlling of the people they ,love and are important to them in life.  

Finally Scorpio’s  can be obsessed with needing to be in control and always needing to not be deceived in any way. A lot of times it is in their head and not really happening. 

But above all they need to have people around them they can trust with everything. They love deeply an hate a the same deep intensity. 


Scorpio needs honest people in their lives  


First of all they need to feel they have your complete trust and you are honest to a fault.

But they need to spend time on their own to make sure all that they feeling and seeing is correct and truthful.

First of all they need they can trust you. Then they will set tests for you to pass before given and sort of trust.

So when you understand this is so important to them and are able to pass the hard tests will you maybe brought into the inner circle of trust.

But they are always looking to make sure you are worthy of the trust and love given to you. And making sure they can still trust you. The tests never finish.

First of all they need to feel in control of all situation. Then they may let you have an opinion of your own and may then you can make some of your decisions as long as they approve them first.

Above all their very deep emotions can be hard to understand even for them let alone any one close them in their life. A constant battle of the wits may seem to be happening here. 

Certainly it can be a challenging relationship but rewards are also equally beautiful when  trust and love you completely. Avery powerful love that runs very deep and for ever.


Sun-in-Scorpio-workshop – 8th sign of the Zodiac the Scorpion – Deep hidden emotions. Needing to find answers to their life and move forward now.


Jupiter in Sagittarius

A time of good luck and opportunities

Jupiter spends approximately 12 months in each sign. So this happens once every 12 years for each sign. 


History time – Jupiter  has just moved in Sagittarius from 9th November  2018 to 2nd December 2019 13 months transit.

Well this is exciting news for all Sagittarius people a time of great luck and opportunities opening up for them.

Well this is going to be a time to make hay while the sun shines so to speak.

First we to make thing happen in your life you have to actively participate with life and make it happen. Opportunities only happen if you get of the couch and actively pursue them.

Personal perspective for all us


Everything has the opportunity to change and give us new perceptive in the coming 12 months. Many will change direction and be a complete surprise to people around us.

Only after deep contemplation and analyzing from all angles will something be ruled in or out on a permanent basis.

It is like the indecision and procrastination of the past if behind us.

We all need to get into a positive frame of mind and aim high to make our dreams a reality.

Taking a few deep breathes and exhaling all the excessive negative energy now and replacing it with positive new energy to make our dreams a reality now. 

A time new opportunities , and think out side the box try something new and exciting. Positive new ideas and goals come from a change of thinking.

A time for focus on our own spiritual path and listen to our intuition or gut feelings now.

Plus we will be looking towards creating and building our wealth now for long term security.


Scorpio is the 8th Sign of the Zodiac + The Scorpion + Water Sign + Fixed + Passive


Simply Astrology Book

To learn more about of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of


Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading



Sun-in-Scorpio-workshop – 8th sign of the Zodiac the Scorpion – Deep hidden emotions. Needing to find answers to their life and move forward now.


To Binge watch previous shows   https://www.facebook.com/amandahallpsychicshow/



Facebook 1

  • Simply Tarot Card Of week
  • Soy Candle Of Week
  • Mini Astrology Lesson
  • A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV


Simply Tarot Card Of week




To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards

Simply Tarot Cards
Simply Tarot Cards



Soy Candle Of Week

Water Sign Astrology X Large with information Natural Eco Soy Candle – Cancer- Scorpio – Pisces

Water Sign Gift Box set with information Cancer- Scorpio – Pisces







Astrology Famous People – Mini Astrology lesson




Sydney Observer – November 2018








Amanda Hall Psychic Workshop Series 


The countdown begins for my TV show on- Each week a different workshop
Facebook Live –during the day starting next Tuesday!

5.30 Pm USA Eastern
10.30 pm UK & Ireland time.
11.30 am NZ 
Wednesday Morning Gold Coast 8.30 am



Small changes bring results

Small changes can bring big results.

Working with one of my Natural Eco Soy Candles

Will assist complete the process of changes in our lives.

Bringing us closer towards our goals and set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION in motion.

I am excited share this information with you.

We can all achieve so much more.


Finally on this week workshop  https://youtu.be/veuyQl1Nkug

To Binge watch previous shows https://www.facebook.com/amandahallpsychicshow/



New Moon In Scorpio + Workshop

New Moon Scorpio + Workshop

New-Moon-Scorpio-workshop. Time for delving deep into our soul and allow the thoughts and changes to come toward the light for new beginnings



Amanda Hall Psychic Show
A1R Psychic Radio On Moonstruck TV
The countdown begins for my radio/tv show
Day time starting next Tuesday!
5.00 Pm USA Eastern
10.00 pm UK & Ireland time.
11.00 am NZ 
Wednesday Morning Gold Coast 8.00 am


This Week show  https://youtu.be/tCto17Spg9A

To Binge watch previous shows https://www.facebook.com/amandahallpsychicshow/





New Moon in Cancer  A time of new beginnings, new opportunities now.

First of all when the moon is new it s the perfect time to set our goal s for the month ahead and beyond.

Above all this is the perfect time to write you list on a piece of paper of at least 2 short term goals.

Hence we hope to complete within the month ahead plus 1 or more longer term goals we are constantly working towards for the future.

So many of us have great ideas in our mind and that is where it stays.

Because now we need to change this and start to set our goals in motion by taking control and writing them down and then working out what is most urgent.

Finally now we feel we can achieve quickly so we may have a a couple of lists and then we have the one for this New Moon to set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION we are ready to receive


Scorpio Time of the Year

Scorpio  time of the year is the 8th sign of the Zodiac  and the focus is on delving deep into our soul for answers


First of all we need to make sure that the Scorpio energy is confront all that is hidden.

For that reason we will move slowly and make sure we feel comfortable.

With Scorpio being the 8th Sign of the Zodiac it means a time of endings and release.

It is a Water Sign that is passive and is seen to be very intense and needing to probe underneath the surface for answers.

As A result the Scorpio can have a sting in the tail and is not frightened to use it often when needed.

Seems like there is always something they need to bring to the surface.

While they are very secretive people they do crave the feeling of emotional security.

But only when it suits them to talk about the issues at hand. This is not often and can be difficult for them.

Above all they need to be able to talk about things in their own time. This can be frustrating for other around them.

Maybe we should all look to encouraging a secure and  safe  environment to allow them to open up and express their in most thoughts and fears with us in a place of no judgement




New-Moon-Scorpio-workshop. Time for delving deep into our soul and allow the thoughts and changes to come toward the light for new beginnings



Cancer is the 4th Sign of the Zodiac + The Crab + Water Sign + Cardinal + Passive


To learn more about the sign of Pisces or any of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

Simply Astrology Book

To learn more about of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply

Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading








Glimpse around the universe

Glimpse around the Universe for this week on A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



Jupiter In Scorpio

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and opportunity – LAST DAYS BEFORE THE ENERGY SHIFT 


Plus remember we have the gentle and positive energy coming from Jupiter in Scorpio.

Helping to unlock the mysteries of our emotions and give us the best intuition and guidance on how to proceed forward with confidence now in our lives.

This is very powerful time for all of us and should not be wasted.

It is a time when answers will seem to come from no where.

The mysteries of life will be revealed and we can clear the blockages that have been holding us back for such a long time now.

Just take your time don’t force anything and allow the ideas to come in and flow like the ebb and tide of the water of of the Scorpio energy and it will.

South Node in Aquarius


South Node in Aquarius is time when we have to make sure we a re not looking for the easy way out in life.

We can have some real break through now if we are prepared to look for usual and different solution by asking questions and listening.

First of all we need to be prepared  and ready for change. Life is always about moving forward even if it feel strange or uncomfortable.

But of course out of this strange energy will come the way forward with new enthusiasm and some brilliant light bulb moments 


South Node

When Conjunct the South Node is where we try to escape or take the easy way out of a situation or life.



For the record life is  not always easy and we as humans try to find the easy way to resolve an issue or problem. This is not easy at times

But of course it will never be quite as easy as we would like it be and can cause a lot of stress now. Pus some very angry outbursts are frequent.

Now on to a more general interpretation for Mars/Pluto Conjunct North Node.

We should be aspiring to bring trying to find answers to the problems at hand in a peaceful way


Now making the your world a better place


Making your world a better place is the goal. But unfortunately the road to achieving this will take a lot of skillful communication and leaving egos out of the negotiations. People have their own agendas now and need to be heard.

A time when we need to be finding solutions to the bigger problems on a personal and global level may seem impossible.

But it will take some skillful maneuvering as we proceed forward and decisions are made. real progress can be achieved now and well into the future if we allow sudden and new ways of thinking to emerge and create the solutions needed for the future



How does the South Node work in the chart?


Where we find the South Node in a chart is where we try to take the easy way out in our life.

It can be seen as part of our Karma.

We all come down to earth with a number of lessons to complete and we all try to achieve this.

So sometimes the South Node is said to be a like the devil sitting on our shoulder guiding us in the wrong way or not taking responsibility for our actions.

What do we need to do in this life and try not to find the easy way out as it may not be the best in the longer term as we hurt other people that are important to us even our selves.



To Binge watch previous shows https://www.facebook.com/amandahallpsychicshow/



Facebook 1

  • Simply Tarot Card Of week
  • Soy Candle Of Week
  • Mini Astrology Lesson
  • A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



New-Moon-Scorpio-workshop. Time for delving deep into our soul and allow the thoughts and changes to come toward the light for new beginnings


Simply Tarot Card Of week




To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards

Simply Tarot Cards
Simply Tarot Cards






Simply Tarot Set Original

Simply Tarot Story

First of all Simply Tarot was a life’s work of many years of reading and teaching over the years.

Always with the dream of one day maybe we could put the lessons on Video.

So then people would be able to learn quickly in the privacy of their own home.


Hinkler Books


Dreams do come true and I was approached by a Australian Publisher looking to do a Tarot project.

So we started the journey of the tarot.

I wanted to use the Rider- Waite Tarot Deck for the project

but alas this was going to limit our market.

Then the idea to design our own was born.

We commenced with a modern deck for the 21st century No one felt the tarot message was coming through

4 of Cups tarot card



So then light bulb moment take our photographic concept of the modern Tarot deck

And recreate the Rider-Waite tarot deck now the Simply Tarot is born.




New-Moon-Scorpio-workshop. Time for delving deep into our soul and allow the thoughts and changes to come toward the light for new beginnings


Soy Candle Of Week

New Moon Large candle info

Water Sign Gift Box set with information Cancer- Scorpio – Pisces







Astrology Famous People – Mini Astrology lesson



Sydney Observer – November 2018








Amanda Hall Psychic Workshop Series 


The countdown begins for my TV show on- Each week a different workshop
Facebook Live –during the day starting next Tuesday!
5.30 Pm USA Eastern
10.30 pm UK & Ireland time.

11.30 am NZ

Wednesday Morning Gold Coast 8.30 am 



Small changes bring results

Small changes can bring big results.

Working with one of my Natural Eco Soy Candles

Will assist complete the process of changes in our lives.

Bringing us closer towards our goals and set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION in motion.

I am excited share this information with you.

We can all achieve so much more.


Finally on this week workshop  https://youtu.be/tCto17Spg9A

To Binge watch previous shows https://www.facebook.com/amandahallpsychicshow/



Full Moon in Scorpio + Workshop

Full Moon in Scorpio + Workshop


Full-moon-in-Scorpio-+-workshop-the most powerful for the year. A time for releasing and letting go of all that is old and outworn. New beginnings follow.




Welcome to my weekly show

The Amanda Hall Psychic Show

A1R Psychic Radio & Moonstruck TV



On This Week’s Showhttps://youtu.be/tKvTdC71d3I

To Binge watch previous shows https://www.facebook.com/amandahallpsychicshow/

Full Moon in Scorpio 30th April 2018 + Workshop
The most powerful Full Moon of the Astrology Calendar is here now.

So what can we expect?
Can I make big changes in my life now using the power of this full moon now?

Full Moon in Scorpio this can be a very taxing and intense time on our emotions as we are asked to delve deep into ourselves.

Soul searching and dealing with our emotions can be hard to deal with now.

Is there hidden unresolved issues we need to bring to the surface.

Time to take a look at them and try to understand what and how they influence us.

Then try to resolve or make peace with them.

For some of us this is a very difficult thing to do as we spend so much time and energy keeping this well hidden and under control.

On a more positive an powerful note this can be the best time of the year.

When the power of great insight and wisdom is with us and we can make great breakthroughs in our lives on many levels.

We have the insight and intuition to see very clearly from every angle now with such clarity and vision like never before.

This can be scary, confronting , but also the most liberating experience and able to set us free.

To begin a new and very powerful next phase of our lives with confidence and to leave the past behind us with great confidence.

As we leave behind the past that  we have processed and dealt with all issues squarely and honestly and now the transformation and rebirth can begin.

Full-moon-in-Scorpio-+-workshop-the most powerful for the year. A time for releasing and letting go of all that is old and outworn. New beginnings follow.




The Scorpio energy is always about, intensity, bring to the surface what has been buried and hidden from us.

Sometime we are our own worst enemies as we lie to ourselves and say everything is all ok .

When it is not because we don’t have the confidence or the know how to tackle the problem or issues head on.

Sometimes it is easier to pretend they are not there and ignore them hoping they will go away.

But unfortunately they never really do. They do surface at some time and we need to deal with them.

The positive side of this energy is the power to transform all that is worn and and present into a new light as if it is brand new and reborn, and in many cases it has been .

Out of death and decay comes the spring of new shoots and new growth which is a blessing in itself for all.

So embrace and enjoy the power of this amazing energy release and renew your life today.



Scorpio the 8th Sign of the Zodiac + The Scorpion + Water Sign + Fixed+ Passive


To learn more about the sign of Pisces or any of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

Simply Astrology Book

To learn more about of the 12 Zodiac/ Astrology Signs. Purchase your very own copy of Simply

Astrology – Amanda Hall today and start exploring the magic of the stars today.

For more answers and direction on how an Astrology Reading will bring much needed answers and clarity into your life your life book a session with Amanda Hall for a mini astrology reading







Glimpse around the universe

Glimpse around the Universe for this week on A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



Mars Conjunct Pluto In Capricorn

Mars In the planet of action and drive in our chart.

Pluto is where we need to transform our lives.


Mars is where we need to execute action and drive in our lives and when he is said to be conjunct or holding hands with Pluto.

The planet of transformation and change we have a very powerful combination in our hands.

Then we add the next layer of them both being in Capricorn where we need to get down to business in every sense of the word.

Now I hear you ask how is this going to affect little old me?

We it does affect each and everyone of us as we try to navigate our way through the days and weeks ahead.

We are all being asked to look at what we are responsible for in our lives now and how can we make changes for the better.

Is there important decision or changes we have been putting of now and making excuses about?

Well now we have to make a start on addressing these today.

Not everything in our lives can be sorted this quickly but we can make a start.

If you are unhappy with something then now is time to kook at how we can transform our lives into being more aligned with our goals and wishes.

For some this we seem very confronting and overwhelming, break it down in very small steps now.



Jupiter Sextile In Scorpio

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and opportunity


Plus remember we have the gentle and positive energy coming from Jupiter in Scorpio.

Helping to unlock the mysteries of our emotions and give us the best intuition and guidance on how to proceed forward with confidence now in our lives.

This is very powerful time for all of us and should not be wasted.

It is a time when answers will seem to come from no where.

The mysteries of life will be revealed and we can clear the blockages that have been holding us back for such a long time now.

Just take your time don’t force anything and allow the ideas to come in and flow like the ebb and tide of the water of of the Scorpio energy and it will.


To Binge watch previous shows https://www.facebook.com/amandahallpsychicshow/

Full-moon-in-Scorpio-+-workshop-the most powerful for the year. A time for releasing and letting go of all that is old and outworn. New beginnings follow.



Facebook 1

  • Simply Tarot Card Of week
  • Soy Candle Of Week
  • Mini Astrology Lesson
  • A1R Psychic Radio on Moonstruck TV



Full-moon-in-Scorpio-+-workshop-the most powerful for the year. A time for releasing and letting go of all that is old and outworn. New beginnings follow.

Simply Tarot Card Of week




To buy your very own Simply Tarot Cards

Simply Tarot Cards
Simply Tarot Cards


Full-moon-in-Scorpio-+-workshop-the most powerful for the year. A time for releasing and letting go of all that is old and outworn. New beginnings follow.


Soy Candle Of Week

Full Moon Sign Large candle info

Water Sign Gift Box set with information Cancer- Scorpio – Pisces






Astrology Houses part 3 of 4 special Mini Astrology lesson




Join me Wednesday at 12.30pm AEST (Qld) as I present FULL MOON IN SCORPIO– MINI WORKSHOP with my very own FB Live video show with Amanda Hall Psychic.https://www.facebook.com/simplytarot

I just love that technology allows us to be here on FB live to present a different mini workshop every week. We will talk about our topic of the week and how we can bring about changes into our lives.

Small changes bring results

Small changes can bring big results. Working with one of my Natural Eco Soy Candles will assist complete the process of changes in our lives and bringing us closer towards our goals and set our INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION in motion.

I am excited share this information with you. We can all achieve so much more. When we know how to set the scene and create the right energy to attract more of our goals with INTENT – PURPOSE – DIRECTION


Finally on this week workshophttps://youtu.be/trk-lZT2w4E

To Binge watch previous shows https://www.facebook.com/amandahallpsychicshow/